Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Went to Cheryl's spin class. This was the first time my ankle has felt strong standing up. Worked a bit to try and stand just for a few minutes at a time. Trying to get into proper standing position...which I couldn't have done before...just because my left leg and ankle were so weak. Took it easy in class since this was day 3 in a row for my biking.

Met with Cheryl to go over my goals for the season. My main goals are on the road bike. I'm hoping to up my distance on the bike. My main event for this year will be RAMROD (assuming I can get in). Other rides that will help with my training for RAMROD will be STP as well as some of the century rides (Daffodil, Tour de Cure, Flying wheels, etc.). I'm Jazzed for the season. I'm also looking forward to Cheryl's distance group to fill in some of the gaps in my calendar.

I'm finding that having a really tough goal is helpful. PACTOUR has really made me disciplined about getting on the bike as often as I can. I'm hoping that RAMROD will do the same for me.

I'm also hoping to postpone (date) the removal of the hardware from my ankle until September. I figure I'll be ready for a break from riding by then...so taking a couple of weeks off to heal shouldn't be a big deal.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Learnings from this weekend
1. I have to start riding earlier than 10am as I build my distance. New goal, be on the bike at 9:00 a.m. which gives me time to deal with the distance and any mechanical issues that may arise.

2. My second ride of the weekend has to be just for fun...trying to push hard on day two makes for a crummy day of riding. I'd like to stretch (in distance) these rides a bit as well.

3. I'm feeling very strong on the bike. I have good power (which is from my mountian biking) so I really want to include at least one mountain bike ride in each week to mix it up a bit...but also because it makes me work so hard.

4. It has taken a while for me to enjoy riding by myself. I know I ride faster and harder when I'm with others...but I really enjoy riding by myself as well. It is nice to be able to change your course as you ride. On Saturday, I didn't decide my actual course until I was into the ride a bit. As miles accumulated I decide on routes that I thought would have me at the distance I wanted.

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Today I wanted to get in some miles but I didn't have time for a long ride. I parked at McD's on Eastlake Sammamish (Issaquah) and rode around Lake Sammamish counter clockwise. The Eastlake Sammamish stretch I tried to keep my cadence over 80 (even on the hills). My cadence dropped a bit below on some of the hills but my speed was significantly better (13.3 verses 12.5 mph) than my averages the previous few weeks. The rest of the ride I just relaxed a bit. Today I felt a little tired; but not depleted from the previous days ride. I'm looking forward to several weekday rides this week. I need to get back on the Mountain bike as well...this is where I can build my power up a bit since so much of it high heart rate and climbing.

Saturday, January 27, 2007
Got up and made myself a couple of pancakes and some coffee. My plan was to be on the bike by 10am...alas it was 10:30 before I clipped in. I've decided that Saturdays are much better for long rides (than Sundays) because it is hard for me to do my long ride on Sunday after riding Saturday. My goals for this ride were two fold 1) have fun 2) ride 60 miles. My chosen course (which I guestimated the miles for) was Issaquah, Redmond, Eastgate, Bellevue, Renton, Seattle, Mercer Island, Eastgate, Issaquah or more specifically starting at the McDonalds (in Issaquah) on East lake Sammamish. Ride E. Lake Sammamish through Marymoore taking West Lake Sammamish through the turn a bout and head to Bellevue (on the South side of I-90 freeway). Ride through Eastgate picking up the bike trail at Factoria. At Bellevue I turned South and road the South end of Lake Washington. From Seward Park I road to I-90 and back up to Issaquah (switching over to West Lake Sammamish). It was a fun ride and one of the most enjoyable rides of this year. I even finished with several sprints. Traffic was heavy on 900 riding toward McD's so I joined the traffic and then challenged my self to keep up in the stop and go of the stop lights. I did very well especially since it was the last mile of a 57.5 mile ride (yep I guesstimated short and I didn't have time to add another 3 miles at the end).

I finished my ride a 4:00pm in Issaquah, drove home, took a very quick shower (and dressed), fed Cosmos and made it to Seattle for a 5:00 dinner reservation (at 10 Mercer which I highly recommend). Finished the evening with the Opera...this was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long time.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007
I work up to a very cold house (55 degrees) and with my furnace not working. I called the furnace company and left them a message. I decided not to let life get in the way of my ride...

I parked at Marymoore and began talking with an older (65+) couple who were getting ready for their ride. The man talked me out of doing an out and back ride. So I started from Marymoore. Headed down West Lake Sammamish. Took Newport way...I forgot about the steady climb getting to Eastgate... once at Eastgate, I followed the bike route. Crossed 148th and again took the bike route. Across 1-90 and then along Lake Washington Boulevard. Up the hill and crossed over Madison Ave...immediately got lost...rode around until I finally got on the Burke Gillman. I had a great ride. Very fun and much shorter than I originally planned (70). I rode a total of 49 miles. at the 34 mile mark my legs were telling me they were tired. I finished the ride strong but tired. I decided I really do need two rides on the weekend. My body needs to learn to recover quickly...especiallly since PacTour is six long days of riding. Cheryl has suggested that I start coming to Monday spin so that my body gets use to riding when it is tired....since I'm tired today...I can tell it is going to be a push to get myself out of the house Monday am.

The good news is that the furnace guy is at the house and is fixing my furnance (this is the second time my new (18 month old) furance has stopped. the last time I was without heat for four days while we waited for the part (that we ended up not needing). I'm hoping that this time does the trick. The other good news is that I've been working from home (and I always get a ton of work done when I'm working from home...something to be said about no interuptions!). The furnance guy is done...and more good news...it is covered by warranty!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 20, 2007
23 mile tempo ride. Today I rode my road bike from Marymoore, around Lake Sammamish. I worked on trying to get my cadence up (averaged 76 rpm). I rode quite a quite a bit between 85 and 90. I really want my cadence at 90 rpm on the flat. Today's ride felt good. I drank less than one bottle of gaterade and I ate a less than I normally do (300 total calories). It feels good to do a ride where I'm not struggling to get enough fluid or enough calories. Tomorrow is my long ride. I haven't planned out my route...but, I want 70 miles that are not too hard...so I'm thinking about Lake Sammamish then Seattle and Back. That would give me 73 miles...which would be good. I really feel I need to get my miles up because my first ride at PacTour is 85 miles. So my hope is to start riding both Saturday and Sunday. One long ride and one shorter tempo ride (working on speed and cadence). I will say, I do ride faster when I'm not riding on my own...my ride with Seujan (in November) averaged 2 miles/hour faster than my solo rides...I do love chasing down riders...or (in Seujan's case) drafting and holding on for dear life :-)

I look forward to Cheryl's group rides...for just this reason. Although I plan to ride on my own (and not buddy up with anyone) I will know there are others out on the field...and I will be working hard to catch up...keep up...or to not be caught ;-)

January 19, 2007
First day back in the pool since I got sick. I swam for 30 minutes (6 people in the lane). I'm struggling a bit in the pool because I've only been swimming one day a week due to being sick and having snow days (or days that I worked at home when it was snowing). I'm hoping to get back to twice a week.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 16, 2007
This afternoon I spent 48 minutes spinning (actual ride time). Burned 697 calories. This is the longest actual ride time I've had on the rollers. I'm getting smoother...or I'm feeling smooth more often on the rollers. Working to keep my abs tight and my shoulders and hands relaxed. Right now it is hard for me to relax anything on the rollers. Total time on the bike was over an hour...Took some breaks, including a phone call from the PacTour folks...I'm really getting excited for the tour. The tour is also great motivation. I know that I have to get the miles in before the trip. Thus, when the weather is bad I need to spin. My mountain bike partner isn't riding much and not in the evening...so I'm not doing the mountain biking that I was last year (4-5 days a week). I need to figure out some mountain bike riding on my own or find some new partners. I'm contemplating riding from Issaquah to Redmond and back on the mountain bike one evening...just to mix it up a bit. It can't be much more than 16 miles and it is fairly flat...so it seems doable. I haven't been in the pool this week because I've been waiting for my cold to move out of my chest...I think I'm well enough for the pool...so I look forward to getting back to swimming on a more regular basis (at least Tues/Thurs).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 16, 2007
Today was the first day in a week that I felt well enough to workout. Spent an hour on the rollers (with breaks). The first 10 minutes or so was pretty rough...But then things smoothed out. My new goal for the rollers is 1/2 hour without a break (which means without losing my balance and having to catch myself on the wall. Burned 608 calories. Kept my heartrate around 80% Average cadence was 70RPM...I want to get that up to 80. I'm feeling good on the rollers and they are a much better (for me) workout than the trainer.

Spent a half hour doing core.

Monday, January 08, 2007

January 6, 2006
Went Skiing at Crystal with Katie. The first hour my feet hurt and my quads were not interested in the new sport. My feet finally quit hurting and my quads were able to get me 1/3 or so down the run before they begged for a break. I ended up having a great time. I thought I might start skiing on Thursday nights...But alas, it isn't going to work (which is ok, since I should be riding my bike). I was sore on Sunday and Monday (quads and calves). I plan to get up to the mountain 2x per month.

I spent my lunch time looking at what rides I want to do this year. I plan to ride with Cheryl's one day STP group and her Wednesday speed and hill group. I figure this will get my speed up and hopefully get my distance up as well. I'm looking forward to having riding partners this spring (especially since I'm doing most of my riding by myself right now).

I really want to do multi-day rides as well as several long rides (centuries or longer).

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 3, 2007
First day back in the swimming pool in quite a while. I stayed in the pool for 40 minutes.
200 warm-up
8 x 50

January 2, 2007
My road ride was cancelled due to flooding so I went home and rode on the rollers. I've been nervous about the rollers because I haven't been on them since before I broke my ankle. Nothing to worry about. I did learn that a slightly harder gear is easier to ride. I spent a little over 30 minutes on the rollers. I look forward to riding on them. Rode at a heart rate of 80-85% of Max Heart Rate.

Spent 20 minutes doing core and ankle exercises.

December 31, 2006
Rode from Marymoore around Lake Sammamish and then did an out and back to Bothell on the Burke Gillman trail for a total of 42 miles. My goal was to end strong and I did. I'm working to get my cadence back up to 90 rpms. I crawled home on my last two long rides (60-65% of MHR) so this ride I ended between 85-90% MHR.

December 30, 2006
Rode with Julie around Yellow Lake (2 times) for a total of 30 minutes on the Mountain bikes.

December 28, 2006
Took Cosmos for a 3 mile walk.

December 27, 2006
Rode/climbed and hike a biked Tolt. Julie and I went up to see the damage from the wind storm. There were several trees down on the way up IAB. That was fine. We dealt with a couple of trees on Oxbow, that was fine. Then we decided to ride the road from Oxbow past the yellow sign and back to IAB. That was not fine. We ended up spending a couple of hours getting out. Climbed (with our big bikes) over and under many piles of logs and downed trees. Thankfully we both brought our lights as we needed them. Spent a total of 3 hours.

December 25, 2006
Had a nice ride out a Lake Sawyer with Julie and Pete. Rode for 1.5 hours.