Monday, January 08, 2007

January 6, 2006
Went Skiing at Crystal with Katie. The first hour my feet hurt and my quads were not interested in the new sport. My feet finally quit hurting and my quads were able to get me 1/3 or so down the run before they begged for a break. I ended up having a great time. I thought I might start skiing on Thursday nights...But alas, it isn't going to work (which is ok, since I should be riding my bike). I was sore on Sunday and Monday (quads and calves). I plan to get up to the mountain 2x per month.

I spent my lunch time looking at what rides I want to do this year. I plan to ride with Cheryl's one day STP group and her Wednesday speed and hill group. I figure this will get my speed up and hopefully get my distance up as well. I'm looking forward to having riding partners this spring (especially since I'm doing most of my riding by myself right now).

I really want to do multi-day rides as well as several long rides (centuries or longer).


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