Friday, January 23, 2009

Last night I put together a two month workout plan. I also figured out my 70, 75, 80 & 85% heart rates since the treadmill only shows heart rate and not % of max like my heart rate monitor.

What I realized is that I've been running at about 70% of maximum heart rate. So this morning I decided to do intervals (just three) and I found the best I could do was 80%. The total distance was 1.5 miles. The intervals were at 4.5 on the treadmill scale (which was about 13.5 min/mile pace. It felt good. My legs complained a bit...but I'm sure my body will adapt.

My new workout plan (which I want to run by Cheryl) has me running on the treadmill 3x a week and outside on a trail once a week.

I also decided I need to start swimming on Monday. I can swim Monday and Thursday nights.

For riding, the ideal would be to ride one night a week and once on the weekend with a one morning spin thrown in. The only problem with the schedule is that I can't go out during the week because I have workouts.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This morning was a run day. I got 30 minutes in on the treadmill. I need to get up and get going quicker in the morning...I'm losing some of my workout time to stumbling around the house. It feels good to be back to working out every morning. I decided that even if I can't get to sleep on time, I still need to get up and workout. Getting up at 5:00am everyday (at least work days) will help me fall asleep at night. So that's my plan. I also really need to get a long run in on the weekends. There just isn't time for me to get more than a 45 minute workout in the morning. I'm consistently running about 2 miles on the treadmill. Now I really need to make a workout plan! My goal up till now has just been to get to the point where I'm running consistently. Well, I'm running consistently. My main concern is stress fractures; because my previous experience with them sucked! So I need to figure out how to start running some on pavement. My thoughts are that it is time to have one intervals workout, one tempo workout and one long slow run. With two of them being on the treadmill. For now my Long slow run will be 3 miles.

The next thing I need to do is get in the swimming pool! I'm graduating at the end of March; thus, April I'm thinking of re-joining a Masters swim team. I still need to work out the logistics on that. But, If I plan to bring my bike to work with me a couple of days...those days could be swim days at Connolly.

Currently I'm pretty haphazard with all my workouts. No plan and some progress...but I think my progress would be much better with a plan. I thought I'd contact cheryl in April; but maybe it is time now...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today was a spin day. I had trouble getting my heart rate up...but I figure at least I was on the spin bike for 30 minutes. I'm not discouraged because I was so surprised by my biking last weekend! I was amazed at how good I felt on the bike both the road bike and at the worm (which is a difficult ride). So I figure what I'm doing is working.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I took yesterday off...mostly because I felt tired and I thought I should give my legs a rest after 2 days of riding. So today was a run day. It was one of the best runs (on the treadmill) I've had. It was only 40 minutes but I kept a good pace (for me). 3.5 on the treadmill which is 17 minute mile. So I got in a little over 2 miles. I'm realizing that I really need to get a run in on the weekend (even if I ride both days) in order to get a long run in. Right now a long run would only be 3 miles. I'm happy with my progress.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday's worm
Tom posted a worm ride.  I was suppose to ride with Marizel, so I talked her into the ride.  I like the worm because it forces my heart rate up.  Although...I don't think my heart rate hit 90%.  Hard to know for sure since I HR monitor didn't start working till I was half way through the ride.  I rode the worm several times this summer and I suffered every time.  Thus, I was surprised that I felt so good on the bike.  The first half of the ride I climbed well and kept on Tom's tail (of course he could have dropped me anytime he wanted!)  My technical skills were great and I rode a rooty area that I've never ridden before.  I rode most of the drops.  It was nice when I was keeping up with Tom because I could ride his line.  I had a great time.  Not only because it is a fun place to ride; but because I'm not in as bad of shape as I thought I was!  I'm sure that riding at the Colonnade has helped on the technical side; but also futzing around on the bike for 2 hours can't hurt. I also think the running and the spin bike have helped too.  Having these sunny days has been fantastic...although now I have to get some homework done!!!

Saturday's ride
I met up with Marizel at Marymoor for an out and back on the trail.  I started out trying to get my heart-rate up.  I find if I start out too slow it is difficult for me to get my speed and heart-rate up.  so I pushed and my heart rate creeped up to about 85%.  As I looked behind me I noticed Marizel was lagging a bit.  Last time we rode together she keep up with me the whole time.  So I backed off a bit and kept a Heart Rate of about 75%.  after about 8 miles I dropped back and let Marizel lead.  Her pace was a bit slower than I had kept.  So we rode mostly about 70%.  Rode about 27 miles.  I felt strong as we returned to Marymoore.

In the evening (as I watched the season opener of Battle star Galactica) I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes with two 15 min/mile intervals thrown in for good measure.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Intervals...I think it is a good thing

This mornings treadmill run was a needed change. I decided I'd better start doing a few intervals; I've been plodding along at a nice easy pace. So today I threw in 3 intervals. at 4.0 and 4.5. It felt good to actually be running (not plodding); but it reminded me that at some point I need to get some coaching. My running technique isn't particularly great. I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill.

I met Fredricka at the Collonade again on Saturday for another 2 hour session. My track stands are improving. I'm still chickening out on some of the switchbacks. Next time I'll ride the Juliana...I think the smaller nimble bike would be good. Jerry, Fredricka and I stood at the top of a jump section. Jerry rode the jumps a few time; I didn't even have a desire to ride the rollable one.... It was interesting to see a couple of young (10-12 year olds) doing some big jumps. As we sat contemplating the jumps, a dozen or so people decided to ride the it was fun watching.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Spinning my wheels
This morning's workout was the spin bike for 20 minutes. It should have been longer but it took me over 10 minutes to figure out how to switch from cable to DVD...of course pointing the remote at the TV works pretty well :). 5am is still early; but last night I fell asleep fairly quickly and woke up without too much desire to go back to bed.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Today was the first day back to work and the first morning up at 5:00am.  I got up fine, but I didn't have a run in me (so I walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill.  Then once I got into Seattle I walked up the hill from 4th to 12th ave.  Then after work, I walked back down to 4th ave.  I figure I'll take exercise where I can get it.  Tonight I was going to go swimming, but I couldn't find my association ID (needed for pool entrance...or at least so I thought).  Once I decided my ID was gone forever, I decided to look up on the web how to get a new ID, low and behold...all I need is a drivers license with my current address...well know I know.

I changed my class schedule this quarter, so I have class on Tuesday and Wednesday...which means I can swim on Monday and Thursday...twice a week (which makes it actually worth it).

Spent 30 minutes on the treadmill (slowly running) and then another hour walking.  Then I met Fredricka at the Colonnade.  I brought the Nomad for her to try out and I ended up riding it a bit as well.  I enjoyed the Colonnade.  This time I worked on my track stands a bit more (I've improved a great deal).  New things I did: I rode my first teeter totter.  I rode a skinny with a drop at the end.  I rode a long easy drop.  I rode a wood loop.  I got a good workout in and I enjoyed having the Nomad there.  I'm planning on going again next week (on Sunday).