January 20, 2007
23 mile tempo ride. Today I rode my road bike from Marymoore, around Lake Sammamish. I worked on trying to get my cadence up (averaged 76 rpm). I rode quite a quite a bit between 85 and 90. I really want my cadence at 90 rpm on the flat. Today's ride felt good. I drank less than one bottle of gaterade and I ate a less than I normally do (300 total calories). It feels good to do a ride where I'm not struggling to get enough fluid or enough calories. Tomorrow is my long ride. I haven't planned out my route...but, I want 70 miles that are not too hard...so I'm thinking about Lake Sammamish then Seattle and Back. That would give me 73 miles...which would be good. I really feel I need to get my miles up because my first ride at PacTour is 85 miles. So my hope is to start riding both Saturday and Sunday. One long ride and one shorter tempo ride (working on speed and cadence). I will say, I do ride faster when I'm not riding on my own...my ride with Seujan (in November) averaged 2 miles/hour faster than my solo rides...I do love chasing down riders...or (in Seujan's case) drafting and holding on for dear life :-)
I look forward to Cheryl's group rides...for just this reason. Although I plan to ride on my own (and not buddy up with anyone) I will know there are others out on the field...and I will be working hard to catch up...keep up...or to not be caught ;-)
January 19, 2007
First day back in the pool since I got sick. I swam for 30 minutes (6 people in the lane). I'm struggling a bit in the pool because I've only been swimming one day a week due to being sick and having snow days (or days that I worked at home when it was snowing). I'm hoping to get back to twice a week.
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