Sunday, January 21, 2007
I work up to a very cold house (55 degrees) and with my furnace not working. I called the furnace company and left them a message. I decided not to let life get in the way of my ride...
I parked at Marymoore and began talking with an older (65+) couple who were getting ready for their ride. The man talked me out of doing an out and back ride. So I started from Marymoore. Headed down West Lake Sammamish. Took Newport way...I forgot about the steady climb getting to Eastgate... once at Eastgate, I followed the bike route. Crossed 148th and again took the bike route. Across 1-90 and then along Lake Washington Boulevard. Up the hill and crossed over Madison Ave...immediately got lost...rode around until I finally got on the Burke Gillman. I had a great ride. Very fun and much shorter than I originally planned (70). I rode a total of 49 miles. at the 34 mile mark my legs were telling me they were tired. I finished the ride strong but tired. I decided I really do need two rides on the weekend. My body needs to learn to recover quickly...especiallly since PacTour is six long days of riding. Cheryl has suggested that I start coming to Monday spin so that my body gets use to riding when it is tired....since I'm tired today...I can tell it is going to be a push to get myself out of the house Monday am.
The good news is that the furnace guy is at the house and is fixing my furnance (this is the second time my new (18 month old) furance has stopped. the last time I was without heat for four days while we waited for the part (that we ended up not needing). I'm hoping that this time does the trick. The other good news is that I've been working from home (and I always get a ton of work done when I'm working from home...something to be said about no interuptions!). The furnance guy is done...and more good is covered by warranty!
looks like you had a good ride, are you going to do the indie series mtb events. first one is just around the corner.
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