Friday, March 31, 2006

Saturday, March 25, 2006
I went mountain bike riding (Tolt) for about 2 hours. I was very tired from my UBI classes.

Sunday, March 26, 2006
Another mountain biking day...A couple hours at Tolt...still tired

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
mountain biking at Tolt...still tired

I ride Saturday with the group. I'm taking it easy between now and then...Just not been on the top of my game...For what ever reason.

Other news:
I Passed the exams at United Bicycle Institute for both the Master Wheel Building certification and the suspension technician certification.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Road with Cheryl's group. I had fun. I think the group will work for me...the main thing is that I'll need to ride my own ride. 22 miles today. Ave 79% of Max Heart Ride. I rode harder on the way out...and took it much easier on the way back in...while chatting with a friend. I ave 11.7 mph and accent 860. I will need to pay attention to keeping my heart rate up and my cadence (ave 72).

Friday, March 17, 2006

Had an awesome Mountain bike ride on Tuesday March 14th. Rode Tolt. Best part was the climb to the top. Road about 3/4 of it! which is a new record for me. Road about an hour in daylight and an hour with lights.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well it seems like my best intentions have come to not! A four hour root canal last Tuesday night and a new crown (my tooth...Not my head) on this Tuesday...Has had me just surviving. Endodontist gave me drugs to take...But, I couldn't miss work...So I just had to live with the pain...Now I'm done with the pain and I'm ready to get back in the saddle and in the pool.

Tonight I put an 11-34T cassette on the Juliana and a computer on the they are both ready to ride. The cassette went on with little or no problems...the only adjustment needed was tightening the cables a bit. I'm really enjoying my mechanic skills...even if they are limited.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Swam 20 minutes today. Nothing special just some laps.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Friday, March 3, 2006

Picked up the Nomad and headed to Tolt. Road for a total of 2 hours. Road part of the climb. Had one hour of riding in the daylight and the other hour with a headlight...Boy, I don't like riding in the dark woods all by myself...This was the first and the last time for that! Road itsabitch, Oxbow and dancin and then oxbow again and then down itsabitch.

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Road 3 hours on the Nomad at tolt . A little over 8 miles. I was tired at 2 hours...But pressed on. I want to up my weekend riding time...So that I can workup to all day rides this summer. The trails were fun and I climbed all the way from the sandy stump to the top of itsabitch. The new Nomad climbs well, but I sure can tell it weighs more. The shop scale shows it at 30.5lbs...but I bet it is more that that. I road the spine, toothpick, go-kart (the wrong way), severance, vicious quail, Schaefer, Bob's run, Oxbow, and mystery. My hope was to stay on the single track and I did except when I got lost and ended up on Schaefer instead of bob's run. I'm suppose to do a road ride tomorrow..But I'm half tempted to head back up to tolt with the Nomad. I really want to learn the trails well enough that I don't have to use the map.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I started the day with a 45 minute swim. It is the best I've felt in the pool in a long time. Approximately 1425 yards

400 warm up
300 IM drill, pull, swim
3 x 125 (25 IM and 100 free)
25 w/ 1 breath
50 w/ 1 breath lap one; 2 breaths lap two
75 w/ 1 breath lap one; 2 breaths lap two; 3 breaths lap three
100 w/ 1 breath lap one; 2 breaths lap two; 3 breaths lap three; breaths lap four
100 cool down

The breathing exercises helped me to concentrate on smoothing out my stroke.