Thursday, January 22, 2009

This morning was a run day. I got 30 minutes in on the treadmill. I need to get up and get going quicker in the morning...I'm losing some of my workout time to stumbling around the house. It feels good to be back to working out every morning. I decided that even if I can't get to sleep on time, I still need to get up and workout. Getting up at 5:00am everyday (at least work days) will help me fall asleep at night. So that's my plan. I also really need to get a long run in on the weekends. There just isn't time for me to get more than a 45 minute workout in the morning. I'm consistently running about 2 miles on the treadmill. Now I really need to make a workout plan! My goal up till now has just been to get to the point where I'm running consistently. Well, I'm running consistently. My main concern is stress fractures; because my previous experience with them sucked! So I need to figure out how to start running some on pavement. My thoughts are that it is time to have one intervals workout, one tempo workout and one long slow run. With two of them being on the treadmill. For now my Long slow run will be 3 miles.

The next thing I need to do is get in the swimming pool! I'm graduating at the end of March; thus, April I'm thinking of re-joining a Masters swim team. I still need to work out the logistics on that. But, If I plan to bring my bike to work with me a couple of days...those days could be swim days at Connolly.

Currently I'm pretty haphazard with all my workouts. No plan and some progress...but I think my progress would be much better with a plan. I thought I'd contact cheryl in April; but maybe it is time now...


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