Chilly hilly was spectacular. There were many blessings.
1) Penny said that she was riding riding partners bailed and I was feeling crummy about I almost bailed...but I knew Penny would be I showed up...Penny was the motivation that got me up and out the door.
2) Penny and I began by riding together...but I was confused because I thought she was waiting at the top of the hills for I kept looking for her and each time there was a rest spot, I'd stop and look among the people to see if she was there...then I thought maybe I passed her while she was waiting for me so I stopped and waited a Penny...pretty soon I realized that I was totally focusing on finding Penny and not having fun riding. So I called her cell phone and left a voice message saying we seem to be separated and I was riding the rest of the ride what was the blessing? I came to realize that what I really like is to meet someone before the ride and eat with them after the is nice to see friends along the way...but I don't need to actually ride with someone. So for this bike season, I'm going to do the group rides alone...start out with folks and hopefully see them at the end...but ride my own pace.
Beautiful day (46 degrees and no rain). I used my mountain bike pedels and boots; thus my feet were warm and happy. One winter jersey, coat and tights...dressed perfectly! I rode all the hills. I dropped my chain twice...need to look into that. My heart rate monitor worked perfectly!
2006: HR: 163 (84.4%) ave and 189 (97.7%) max. speed :11.1 mph ave and 39.7 mph max (a new max record for me)! 3:15 hours including breaks (5.5 minute lunch break). 33.2 miles. about 3 hour riding time (at least 30 minutes faster than 2004)- see below!! and I didn't walk any of the hills.
2004: HR 159 (82%) ave and 208 max. 4 hours total with a 23 minute lunch break (approx 3:37 total riding time). Walked at least one hill.