Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Day Three...this hasn't happened before...or at least not in a long time!

The alarm rang at 5am and out of bed I jumped. As I stood standing next to the bed, I was so stunned that I wasn't snuggled in my warm sheets...not sure how I got there. And how was it that I was beginning my day without interior struggle. You know the conversation. "you need to get up!" "but I need my sleep, and that is important" "You will live, get out of bed" "ok, but 5 more minutes of sleep first"....

So today was the first day on the spin bike. I rode for 40 minutes. This wasn't one of those spectacular Tour de France type of rides. This was an"ok, lets get the heart rate up to 70% of MHR" type of rides. I was surprised at my quads complaining. If felt good to be on the spin bike and I had to remind myself that it is a new bike with a new position. Not that the spin bike is has been around for a year...but it is the first time I've been on it since spring. Also, since I mostly mountain biked this summer, I'm use to standing and coasting a bit; thus the constant pedaling was a challenge. I like my new routine! So far I'm only getting about 7 hours of I need to work on the bedtime.

I was thinking this morning that I'm pretty content with my life and I have some good routines going.
1) I'm reading a novel before I go to sleep (about 30 minutes).
2) I'm taking a sewing class on Tuesday nights and enjoying the sewing and the company. I'm also getting pretty good at it.
3) I'm taking two MBA classes a) strategy b) Realestate law. And both of my professors are really good, and have a good sense of humor.
4) I'm workin out before work.
5) I'm taking the bus to work 3 days a week and enjoying the time to read (it accomplishes 3 hours of homework reading)
6) My job is good. I have some good possibilities this year...and I'm not working much I have a bit of a life.
7) I've been enjoying happyhour most Thursdays...just a nice time to catch up with friends.
8) I love fall, it might be my favorite time of the year. I'm looking forward to road riding on the weekends this fall and winter.
9) I'm cooking on Sundays (which is normal for me in the fall and winter). I'm really enjoying looking for good recipes that I can make that will feed me all week. I'm doing one hearty dish and one salad. This week it was Beef stew with lots of mushroom and Caesar salad.

Life is good!


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