Slow and not so easy
Friday, August 29, 2008
Rode the Worm with Fredricka. She wasn't feeling well so we took it easy. We only rode the worm, but I was still soaked with sweat when we finished. It was good to get out to ride, and it was nice to do an easy ride.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rode Sawyer with a coed group. I like the slower coed groups; they tend to keep up a better pace than the women only (less stopping) groups. We rode in on the Toy trail got lost in the plains and finished off on Toy trail. I was comfortably in the middle of the pack. I'm not overly fast this year but I have better than average technical skills and this makes up for a lot of speed! It was a fun ride and I had to work hard. Fredricka led and Jerry rode sweep. I really like Sawyer.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Today I ride with Julie at Beaver. I haven't been to Beaver since June which is crazy because it is only a 20 minute ride from home (or 15 minutes in the car). It is closer to 45 minutes to an hour from home if you want to get to the Soaring Eagle park to meet someone.
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