June 21
I have bronchitis again. Too much work and home stress. Started with a sore throat on June 12. Was full blown by June 15 (peak flow 250). Went to doctor on 17 for antibiotics and steroid inhaler. I finally feel human again, although my peak flow is only 350. I'm going to take it easy for today and tomorrow and then Wednesday will be Kat skills and I'm hoping I'm better for that. I'm planning on waiting till peak flow is 400 (my normal) before I do a hard workout. So Maybe an easy road ride on Thursday. We will see.
Home stress has been a ton of projects all in half done state (due to other workers and not me). We had some Sheetrock issues with 2 electrical installations. So I have some Sheetrock patching to do.
June 16
Kat skills night. I rode the Brave heart rock garden and the structure to get onto Ryan's run. I felt really good about the night. I have to remember to look ahead and push my heals down the back side of drops. Great class.
June 10, 11, 12
The third PA race. Finally I raced. No injuries, no mechanicals. I now consider myself a Cat 2 down hill racer. I did really well. I was able to race the course instead of just riding it. I came in last out of 9 racers; but I was only 2 seconds behind the woman in front of me and 3 seconds from the women in front of her. There was only a 45 second spread in the category and I was 15 seconds from the middle of the pack. I felt really good about the race.
June 2, 2010
Rode with Fredrika (and her dog) at Sawyer. 2 hours not many miles. Easy pace
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