Monday, February 02, 2009

Some Success

Monday, February 2, 2009
Another treadmill day. My legs were tired and I had trouble keeping a 70% MHR pace. Only ran for about 20 minutes.

Sunday, February 1
I met up with Fredrika and Jerry at the Worm. I had a good ride. We stopped to chat with a fellow rider and got a bit cold...but the social was nice! I rode well (technically speaking); but my endurance leaves something to be desired. I'm enjoying the worm. I was amazed that I can pull the front wheel up on Fredrika's and Jerry's bikes easier than I can on mine. I need to do some research and see why. I love my little bike. We ran into Shae (not sure I spelled her name correctly) and she was riding a bigger bike and I know a couple of other people that ride big bikes I think I might bring the Nomad next time...just to see how it is.

Some success: I rode the elevated wooden pump track (didn't do the drop...just rolled the right hand side). I was amazed that it didn't even look scary...; I rode (on DNA) an elevated bridge skinny. It took several tries before I had the nerve to ride over it; I rolled over the big log pile like it was no big thing (on the Worm). The last time I rode the log pile, I pulled my I've been avoiding it. I rode it...and it was smooth. The colonnade has really paid off! I definitely need to be riding the colonnade every week.

Friday, January 30th
After being sick for a week, I finally got on the treadmill. I've decided that even when I'm sick I need to get on the treadmill...I don't have to run...but I need some exercise.


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