Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Mountain Bike Race

I iced my arm on Saturday night (for about an hour) and took some Aleve hoping that my arm would be ok for the Ride (see below- Saturday's pre-ride).  My arm felt fine (of course with the amount of Aleve I was taking it should feel fine).  I've been going to bed at 9:00 pm really tired and Saturday night was no different.  I've then been waking up about 3:30 am and this morning it was 2:30 am.  I felt fine I just couldn't get back to sleep.  I refused to get out of bed and finally around 4:00 am I fell back to sleep to awake at 5:50 am.  I've been getting about 7 hours of sleep for a couple of weeks which is light for this girl that is use to sleeping 8 hours.  I got one extra surprise I didn't expect; I started my period. At least all the Aleve I was taking for the arm meant that I didn't have cramps!  I woke up  feeling crummy.  I contemplated not racing; but then I immediately thought...quit this silliness you are going to race.  I got up and pulled my gear together and grabbed an extra wool jersey for after the ride.  I had my usual pre-race breakfast of oatmeal and I actually felt less nervous about this race (I could tell I was less nervous because I usually have a hard time eating before a race).  I have a small camel back that was perfect for the race. I filled it with 1 liter of Gatorade  (mixed strong) because I was fairly sure I wouldn't get to eat during the race.   I ride tubeless tires and I've never had a flat on the mountain bike (the tires have some liquid in them that seals holes as they are made) so I didn't carry a pump nor a spare tube.  I did carry a smaller multi-tool and my car keys.

I drank one cup of coffee on the drive to the race to make sure I didn't get a caffeine withdrawl headache.  It was raining as I left Issaquah. I was thankful for Ann's instructions the day before.  I would never have found the parking lot for the race if she hadn't told us that we were sitting in the middle of it on our bikes the day before.  I had never entered the usually locked gate and didn't know it was the race thank God for Ann.   I arrived a little after 7:30 am for the 8:30 am race.  I picked up my number and than visited with friends.  There was quite a few people I knew.  Fredricka came to race, Ann was there to race, Jill was there to watch her son race and Jerry was there to cheer us on.  I decided not to warm up because I was a little nervous about finishing the race; thus I knew the start of the race would be tough.  I also ran my inhaler dry last week and when I remembered I needed an inhaler I couldn't find my buddy (she was out warming up) that uses the same inhaler as I do.  I made sure my rear shock was in the climbing (pro-petal) position.  It was raining so I kept my rain coat on.  I put one package of cliff blocks in my pack (which I didn't eat) and I ate one pack of jelly beans 10 minutes before the race. 

Lap one:
The beginners began at 8:30 am.  First the teenagers, then the men, then us women and then the younger kids.  There appeared to be five women in the over 40 age group.  Ann and two other women smoked at the starting line and were soon out of sight.  It didn't take long for me to be passed by several of the younger kids.  The first 15 minutes were pretty tough.  I was having trouble breathing and my heart rate was about 88% MHR.  I just didn't seem to have any umh.  At the 15 minute mark I was feeling better...still not great but better.  There was a sharp left turn with a climb over roots that on Saturday the rider before me didn't successfully make and thus I had stopped and not actually ridden.  I was ready for it and had shifted into my granny (of course it was at the top of a gradual hill so I had already geared down).  I made it over the roots (success # 1).  I was overheated.  I wish I had not worn my coat (first note to self) nor the very thin skull cap under my helmet (note # 2 to self).  I didn't feel like I had much power and the fact that the trail was a bit muddy didn't help because I rode cautiously...I wanted to finish unscathed!  My next obstacle was a long hill that I didn't have the power to make even half the way I pushed the bike (I had rode up it on Saturday).  My glasses fogged up something terrible so I took them off and put them loose inside my jacket (3rd note to self - don't wear glasses).  The next obstacle was a very short but very steep climb.  I only made it up half way (I had made it up the day before).  Then came the very long climb composed of about 4 or 5 shorter climbs of varying difficulty.  I pushed up 2 of these sections.  Now we were at the cemetery and I knew the dreaded log was lurking somewhere in front of me.  I shifted my rear shock into the neutral position (out of the climbing position).  The log was lurking around a bend, I was ready for it and it was no big deal. (success # 2)  I must have had trouble with it Saturday because it was a surprise.  I was thrilled to be descending and I got some great recovery.  I knew a drop was coming and I was able to better decide what part of it to ride down.  I found the left side easy to ride (success # 3).  By the time I made it to the bottom of the descent I felt really good and felt recovered.  The rest of the lap was good. I felt like I had my groove.  I was able to do a few of the short climbs in my middle chain ring which meant I kept my speed up and didn't have to work so hard on the climbs.  A few of the expert men began to pass; but it was no big deal.  Most of them said "on your left" and then I moved over a bit and let them pass (I had been nervous about passing on the trail).  They didn't slow me down.  Then came the sand hill (I had forgot about it).  I didn't have the strength to climb it and ended up pushing up it. In actuality I don't think I have the strength when I'm rested to climb it due to the technical factor of the sand.  The final stretch felt great and I was ready to start lap two.

Lap two:
I noticed my heart rate was lower in the second lap.  It was hovering around 85%.  I wasn't pushing but I was doing what I could.  I made it up 3/4 of the long climb (success # 4) next thing I knew I was at the short steep climb which I didn't make for the second time.  Then came the long hill made of 4-5 hills.  I made it up all of them (success # 5).  Then came an off camber muddy section that I had to walk on lap one.  As I was riding the off camber section I tried to keep my speed up; as I was exiting off the section my rear wheel gave and slide 6" or so to the right (down the hill)...I was able to ride the slide out and didn't even miss a heart-beat (success # 5).  The cemetery was a cinch as was the log and the drop.  Ann said that we (a little heavier riders with good skills) pick up time on the technical and the down hills because many of the mountain bike racer don't ride technical trail features and don't descend well.  I was well recovered again by the end of the descent.  I found myself working the bike and taking advantage of small short down hill sections.  I was able to push my bike down the small declines and take advantage of the rewarding extra speed the maneuver gave me for making it up the small inclines.   Next came the berms.  I rode them ok the first lap; but this time I rode in the middle of the berm and let speed the berm built up propel me out of the corner.  (success # six).  I was glad I had my odometer on the bike and knew exactly how far I had left to go.  I knew I was at the end and I started pedaling harder only to see the sand hill in front of me.  I had used up too much energy and didn't have much energy to try to ride the hill.  Once I made it up the sand hill, I was on the home stretch and I rode hard to the finish line where Ann, Jerry and Jill were all cheering.  

Place: 4th out of 5 riders in my category (I came in 5.5 minutes before the last rider).  Ride time 1:20.  Ave heart rate 164 (85%).  max heart rate 174.  (90%).  total of 1045 Kcal.   Ascent 480.  45 degrees out.  Ave speed 5.9.  max speed 14.3.  Distance 8.50 miles.  The best time in my class was around 52 minutes.  Ann who is entering her 3rd season of mountain bike racing and also races cyclocross (although she didn't race cyclocross this season) was about 56 minutes (3rd place).  

I'd love to be under an hour by the end of the summer.  I liked the course.  It was hard; but much of the difficulty was that I'm not in good shape.  Also I wasn't able to hold a high heart rate; but that will come with time and it is very early as the season goes. 

Saturday - Pre-ride
Ann offered to take several of us new racers out to pre-ride the race course.  I immediately said yes to the invitation.  The course was at South SeaTac and the trails were not marked.  I was impressed that Ann knew the course so well.  She graciously pointed out important information and helped us to anticipate what was to come.  This was invaluable!  I managed to get surprised by a log that was around a bend and decided to ride over it.  I made it over the log; but managed to pull something in my left arm.   My Left arm hurt for the rest of the ride.  I was nervous that it might keep me from racing on Sunday.  I was also surprised by the amount of climbing on the course and by a few of the technical trail features (the log and then a drop that followed a ways down the trail from the log).  The course was tougher than I thought it would be; so I was really glad I got to pre-ride the course. Used Kcal 844.  Temperature was 44 degrees.  Ave speed 5.8.  max speed 14.6. Distance 4.9.  Ride time 1 hour 20 minutes for one lap (including chat time and stopping which there was a lot of).  The actual ride time was 1 hour for one lap).  Ave Heart Rate 142 (74%) Max heart rate 180. (93%).

Didn't get my run in because I wasn't feel well after the ride and I didn't have time.  My rear derailer decided to give me trouble on the pre-ride so I did tweaked it some.  It still didn't work great but at least I had my granny gear.

Friday was a spin day.  Ave heart rate was 119 (62%) which sounds low until one remembers warm up and cool down.  Next time I'll remember to hit the lap button after I've warmed up; max heart rate was 148. (77%) total of 34 minutes. 241 Kcal.  I was feeling a bit tired and I started the workout at 4:30 am since I'm waking up early (an hour before my alarm) these days.



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