Rainy ride
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I had a great ride on Saturday. It felt good to really push. I tried to keep my Heart rate at 85% MHR including the climbs. The steep climb pushed my heart rate up to 92%. I was dropped on the long climb at the beginning, but was able to reel in a couple of riders once the climb lessened a bit. I was dropped again on the steep climb but was again able to reel the riders in. On the second half was able to reel in more riders and passed quite a few coming home. I stayed warm. My feet were dry until the last descent (and actually I had a few dry spots on my socks). I was really glad I had my fenders!
Next Saturday I'm heading to Spokane for a Down Hill Clinic. I just received my QBP order (from the BryneInvent team); thus I'm heading to the bike shop at noon to get my new stem and fork installed. Pretty excited. The bummer part is that I still have tread on my tires, but must replace them because of the wet conditions that we are having. Being safe is better than getting more miles on tires. If I want to wear out DH tires, I'll just have to ride Whistler more in the summer.
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