Friday, July 25, 2008

The famous Thrilla

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yesterday,  I met Jennifer at the Redmond QFC to do the Thrilla route.  Jennifer was great to ride with...she stopped often to point out the route (so I could learn it enough to do it on my own).  The route is 20 miles of non-technical trail and road with many climbs.  There are short steep climbs, long arduous climbs and everything in between.  Our actual ride time was 2.91 hours but we were out on the bikes a long time.  We left the parking lot about 5:45 I'd guess and got back about 9:30pm.  I rode well and felt good until Lonesome hill (which is the last major hill).  It was long and it was lonesome.  I grannied it all the the end I had a nice headache and had a little trouble getting recouped to feel good on the rest of the ride.  Note to self: finish before dark.  I was wearing sunglasses and could barely see on the ride back to the car (on the Burke Gillman trail); but there were so many bugs I couldn't take my sunglasses off even through it was dark out.  This was a great ride.  There is a club ride there every Thursday night.  I think starting between 5:00 and 5:30 would be great at least until I can get my ride time down to 2 hours.  I'm planning on making the Thrilla a weekly ride.  It definitely will make me strong.  I rode the Nomad and didn't mind the extra weight because it climbs so good.  Once I ride it a couple of times it would be interesting to take the Juliana (it is 4 lbls lighter) and compare times.

I also am over the hump with this quarter's classes.  There are only 3 weeks left with the last week being finals (at least in one class).  My hope is to get all my reading and most of my homework done this weekend so that I can concentrate on studying for the final in Macroeconomics which I'm finding to be pretty darn tough.  Taking it in an 8 week summer quarter instead of an 11 week regular quarter wasn't necessarily a good idea....but since my 2nd summer class had been cancelled, it was the only class left for me to take (that wasn't filled up by then and that I needed to take). The good news is that I don't have any really hard classes left!  I'm taking my synthesis class and Real-estate Law (an elective) in the fall and an international class and an elective in the winter. 

I also decided that my Personal Finance class and my Investments class (on top of two required finance classes) are enough finance for me.  I don't think I need anymore and so unless I decide to take Entrepreneurial finance, I don't see my last elective being in finance.  The Winter quarter class schedule comes out next I will know soon enough.



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