Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not a total slacker

May and June have been tough months for many reasons. 1) I've worked late many nights. Several weeks I've worked 3 or more evenings. 2) Had a housemate move in 3) still recovering from the Bronchitis. My lungs are almost healed. Still at about 400 after I've used the inhaler. I'm off the steroid Inhaler only using the regular one before my rides.

I'm heading to Mt. Hood Oregon on Friday night. Planning to ride the race course on Saturday and hopefully race on Sunday. This will be my first Down Hill race. I don't think Whistler helped for the race. I'm expecting Mt. Hood's beginner course to be steep and not overly technical. Whistler (blue runs) were not overly steep but were very technical. I feel good that I finally have all my gear (full face helmet, hard shell chest and back protector, arm and leg armor). The Chest and Back protector was the last piece I needed to get and I was able to get a pro-deal on it through a friend's buy two at the price of one coupon (we each got one).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Had a great ride out at Lake Sawyer. Spent 75% of the time in the middle ring and climbed really well. 1:15 actual ride time. 1:30 time out. I didn't eat on the ride and I was struggling at the end.

Sunday, June 20, 2009
Road for 2:30 hours at Lake Sawyer. I felt strong throughout the ride. climbed well. Probably the most fun I've had on the bike this year.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Walked in the SU graduation ceremony. It was really a good experience and my sister Karen and her husband Al came. Then we went to Anthony's for a Crab dinner. Not a bad way to spend the day! The other good news is that I lost 5 pounds while in Whistler. I changed my food plan back to what it was when I was working with the MD at Swedish. It makes sense for me. I've added whole grains to the food plan. The major changes are not sugar and no wheat.

Tuesday, June 9, Wednesday, June 10 and Friday, June 12, 2009
Rode Whistler. I had a good time and rode some incredible trails. I only had the energy for about 3 runs a day. I made several runs on upper and Lower "Step It Up" and got pretty good at jumping up onto the top of table tops. Rode B-line a couple of time. Rode many trails with ladder/wood trails and did really well on them. The Ventana rode really well. Rode "Ho Chi Min" which was over my head a bit (I walked several sections of it). Rode "Hearts of Darkness." "Golden Triangle was fun." Had fun riding "Ninja Cougar" and "Karate Monkey;" both were tough but fun. "Smoke and Mirrors" was another one that I walked several sections. But it was fun. Samurai Pizza Cat" was short and technical. "Fantastic" didn't do much for me. I rode all the blue runs that I were accessible from the lower mountain. And Blue was tough. There is a big jump from Green to Blue. I began the week on Upper and Lower Easy Does it.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Freeride Friday's featured drops. I had a great time. The coach said I was very smooth which is a great complement. I couldn't get myself off the second drop (which I've done before). My attitude on technical stuff is that I only do what I'm comfortable with and I don't force myself out of my comfort zone. This attitude has seen me progress rather quickly as far as my skills go and yet I'm always riding in control. Works for me. The Ventana likes to jump and it is a much easier landing than the Nomad which of course is easier than the Juliana. More suspension makes for an easier landing.

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Rode Tiger with Fredrika. I'm climbing slowly; but my descents rock!

Saturday, May 30, 2009
A new housemate moved in for a couple of months (June and July). I spent a lot of time trying to get the house ready. Then the toilet in the spare bathroom broke and I spent 2 nights after work trying to get it back working again. Replaced most of the insides the first night and then the flapper the second night. I'm amazed at how much both getting ready and transitioning into the housemate situation took out of me. I did a major cleaning of house, and power washed the deck before she moved in. Then I just couldn't seem to get into my normal rhythm. I'm staying up too late and not getting up early enough to work out. I haven't run since she moved in. The stress of a new housemate along with traveling right away (Whistler trip0...has left me a little over tired. What I've realized is that the timing isn't right for me to have a housemate. Also, the treadmill isn't directly under the guest bedroom but I'm sure having it running with the TV on at 5:00am would wake her up. I planned to get an extension cord for my headphones (for the TV)...but just haven't got it done. The good thing is that this was a 2 month commitment. So I have the house back to myself in August! It was a good experiment and it convinced me that I don't want a housemate.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Free Ride Friday's featured high speed cornering. This is something I need to work on.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Rode from Carnation to Fall City and back with Julie.


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