Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009
I slept in this morning because I didn't get home till after 9pm from the ride last night and I'm planning on riding at the worm today. There is a group ride at 6pm; but I think I'll ride as soon as I get there (around 5:30pm) so I can get home a little earlier. I love mountain biking but riding after work means driving to work. Taking the bus is a bit in conflict with mountain biking and swimming.

So, I'm toying with the idea of driving in on Wednesday and Friday (and mountain biking after work) and then bringing my road bike to work (on the bus) Monday and Thursday and riding home. I could swim on Wednesday and Friday if I dropped my bike off in my office and then drove over to the pool. It is the beginning of a plan. This still allows me to get a treadmill workout before work on Monday and Thursday (and take Tuesday as a day off). It just might work :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rode Grand Ridge (or shall I say I pushed my bike up and rode down). It is a tough climb. I don't have the endurance to climb all the way up. So I push my bike up the steeper sections and then ride for a while. I pushed 3/4 of the lower half and rode the upper half. My lung capacity is at 350 now which isn't great but beats the 200's. I should be over 400. My lungs felt wooden when I started the road climb up the actual trail head; the inhaler helped quite a bit (which I used at the trail head).

Ascent 480
Ave Heart Rate climbing 82%
Ave Heart Rate Descending 65%
2 hours total (1.5 hours climbing and 1/2 hour descending)
calories 1087
distance 8.2 miles


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