Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fun, Fun, Fun

Today (Saturday)
I'm bailing on the Tour de Cure (second year in a row)...I'm not up for a ride in the rain...and of course I have a ton of stuff to do around the house. I bought my deck flowers and vegetables yesterday and stayed up till 9:30 pm planting them. I filled the three pots on the front porch with a great assortment of flowers. On the back deck, I planted 3 tomatoes (early girl, cherry and a bush variety), 6 regular cucumber and 2 lemon (?) cucumbers. Basil is not out I'll need to got back to the nursery is a few weeks. I also added Italian oregano, chives, dill, and parsley to my herb garden in the back yard. I replaced one bush that died this winter and bought 3 new shade plants for a garden bed on the side of the house (still need to plant the shade plants...planting on a rough and slanted something to do in the daylight!) Today, I want to do the final measuring for a new patio so that I can order the pavers (2' square) and hopefully install the pavers next weekend. I must say that my yard is looking pretty darn good. I have about 3 hours of weeding to do and I need to spread bark (which I haven't ordered). Then it will look great. Tonight is the opera and of course a nice dinner before the I have a full day. My plan (who knows what will happen) is to go mountain biking with Julie tomorrow.

Friday, May 18, 2007
I woke up with an awful headache in the morning...took a bunch of painkillers and went back to bed. It took till lunch time before I felt human. Made it to work for a noon appointment. This is all to say...I just didn't think I'd be doing my night ride. I called Julie at 4:00 and she was ready to I changed into riding clothes and grabbed the Nomad (Juliana is still laying in the open bike box...need to do something about that). We rode Tolt. The climb was tough but I rode a good deal of it. Tolt was dry and fun. I can tell I haven't been on Washington single track much in the last year. It took me a bit to warm up (30 minutes) but then I was having a great time. Julie knows the I just followed along. Had a great ride. Felt I could have ridden for another hour. We headed towards home at 7:00pm. The descent is a fun mile of downhill. I got to the bottom and no Julie. I waited, and waited and waited...then came Julie walking her steel Serotta mountain bike. She had a flat on the descent....but was able to keep it in control and dismount. So the last mile was a sprint for home to get the car and come back for Julie. I love riding!


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