Saturday, July 29, 2006

Broken Ankle

The local Luna Chix Mtn bike team invited Allison Dunlap to Seattle to give an intermediate/advanced clinic June 11th on Galbraith Mtn. The short of it is...I broke my leg on at this clinic. The ER in Issaquah put a splint on the leg. My sister was on her way to Oregon, she turned around and came to my house. Monday, Patricia took me to the Orthopedic Surgeon. They gave me a air cast. And I began using a knee scooter.

Patricia took me in for Surgery on Thursday, June 15th. Patricia graciously took care of me for the following 10 days. I had a splint for the first two weeks. On June 26th they put a fiberglass cast for two weeks (much more comfortable than the splint).

I began working (short days) on July 5th. Taking maxium amount of Extra Strength Tylenol and Alieve (It wasn't keeping the pain away...but was tolerable most of the time).

On July 10th (week 4) they put the Air cast back on. I could take it off to shower. I began walking in the pool 3 times per week and could stand on my injured leg. Began working on mobility exercises (moving foot up and down and side to side) 3 times a day. I was still using the knee scooter most of the time. I stayed home sick on Tuesday, July 11th. Just too much pain. It took most of the day to get the pain under control. Spent the day in my room. I just couldn't deal with navigating the stairs to go down stairs. Being in bed and not moving was more important than eating. I took Friday, July 14th off from work...I was too tired to go to work.

On July 24th (week 6) I was told I could walk with crutches and ride a stationary bike. still working short days. I ceased using the knee scooter. I began riding stationary bike 5 minutes (barefoot). Walked with 2 crutches (with the boot on) for the first couple of days. Then began to walk (for a few minutes each day) with one crutch (with boot on). My ankle returned to being very swollen the first few days of the new routine. Began raising it over my heart and icing it 3-4 times a day. Saturday, July 29th began walking (with boot on) without crutches (for a few minutes at a time).

I'm still walking in the pool 3 times a week. Icing ankle 3 times a day. Keeping foot elevated as much as possible and elevating foot above my heart 3 times a day. Riding the stationary bike 3 times a week. And doing gentle stretching.


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